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4.2 ( 5952 ratings )
Livsstil Hälsa & Fitness
Utvecklare: AppPeople GmbH
0.99 USD

Me-QoL allows people under drug therapy to monitor and document their quality of life (QoL). This helps in dealing with the disease and a possible impact. For this purpose, easy means of slide and Multiple Choise Choice are to use with daily and weekly recaps. The values are summarized and displayed graphically in a personal evaluation. The users have the opportunity to observe a long period, to compare the effects of any or all symptoms with your quality of life and to make inferences.

The Me-QoL application was developed for medical research .It will be used continuously and improved under-documented and controlled trials. It is open to interested users in a simplified form as a Light version.

Me-QoL captures your quality of life at the time in this indications:

- Menopause
- Pain in cancer therapy
- Polyneuropathy
- Schizophrenia

The application is continuously being developed and regularly updated to include new indications.

In order to inform you of upcoming developments we offer the possibility of an Inbox under

Your privacy is important to us. All the information you collect with Me-QoL remain locally on your device. We collect no personal nor symptom-related data.